
Neonatology – Donated Human Milk Bank

Labor Baby has always paid attention to the needs of babies and their mothers, offering since 1973 feeding bottles and teats for the administration of food to normal weight and/or preterm infants. Knowing how precious donated human milk is, we were inspired by the need to improve the management of donated human milk banks by creating a pasteurizer with HTST technology.

Poppatoi monouso con ghiera varie versioni

Bottles with ring

Of 60ml, 100ml and 250ml

Poppatoi monouso a pressione varie versioni

Pressure bottles

Of 100ml and 250ml

Tettarelle con ghiera con versioni blu, giallo e arancione


Pressure and with ring

Logo Biber +

Biber +

The Biber+ bottle

Logo del pastorizzatore Lo.V.Milk12


Pasteurizer "HTST"